Can spinal decompression therapy cause damage?

Occasionally, spinal decompression surgery can cause tissue damage. Excessive bleeding is a risk of surgery, as well as the risk of blood clots forming and migrating, leading to deep vein thrombosis. Most patients don't experience any major side effects. The most commonly reported side effect of this therapy is dull, aching pain during the first or second week, as the body becomes accustomed to stretching and decompressing.

In spinal decompression, muscles stretch in a direction of elongation that the body is not used to. As with any other medical procedure, spinal decompression requires a delicate touch. There is a risk of damage to neural tissue due to proximity to the spinal cord. In addition, the membrane surrounding the nerve roots and spinal cord can rupture and cause neurological deterioration.

The nerves themselves and the spinal cord can be affected and can cause a reduction or loss of sensory function.

decompression therapy

has been marketed as completely safe. This case study demonstrates that adverse events can occur. The most common side effect is dull, aching pain for the first week or two, as the body becomes accustomed to stretching and decompressing.

Spinal decompression stretches the muscles in a direction of elongation that the body is generally not used to. Because of this, patients may experience dull, aching pain that they often describe as “it feels like you've exercised for the first time in a long time. In very rare cases, patients have an increase in the pain they experienced. Patients with acute and severe herniated discs may experience some pain for the first or second week until the hernia retracts and removes pressure from the nerves.

Patients with acute herniated discs tend to experience more types of “up and down” pain relief during the first 2 weeks, as an acute herniated disc can be slightly unpredictable. Regardless of the mild pain experienced in the first or second week, most patients experience 50% or more pain relief by the end of the second week. General spinal decompression therapy is considered safe and comfortable. The system has emergency stop switches for both the patient and the operator.

These switches terminate treatment immediately if a patient experiences any increase in pain or discomfort during treatment, thus preventing most injuries. If you're like many people, your job can mean you spend hours a day sitting at a desk, hunched over a computer, or standing. This can put enormous strain on the muscles in your lower back, neck, shoulders, and joints. If not treated properly, this can lead to more serious injury in the future, such as sciatica, herniated disc, and nerve damage.

In many cases, this pain can be managed with a simple daily routine of using spinal decompression at home. Non-surgical spinal decompression has no known risks. Your chiropractor will need to determine if you are an eligible candidate, since some patients with other problems, such as osteoporosis, prevent them from using this type of treatment. Spinal decompression is generally very safe, but it can cause rare side effects in some patients.

Side effects may include increased pain, muscle spasms, and tingling in the body. You can help prevent these side effects by providing us with accurate information about your current conditions and treatment plans. We may also contact your other healthcare providers to make sure we have accurate information about your health. In non-surgical spinal decompression therapy, the spine is intermittently stretched and relaxed using precise computer calculations to generate just the right amount of tension to achieve optimal results.

Only one small randomized controlled trial and several lower-level efficacy studies were conducted on spinal decompression therapy. An author of the only decompression therapy RCT has a financial interest in VAX-D technology in Australia. There is very limited evidence in the scientific literature to support the effectiveness of non-surgical spinal decompression therapy. This makes it difficult to get their work done or keep up with household chores, so many patients prefer decompression therapy.

A hospital in Italy called Santa Corona published a study in which they reviewed non-surgical decompression traction. A letter to the editor of Archives of Medical Rehabilitation, referring to a previously printed spinal decompression ad, said that it appears to be a paid ad intentionally created in such a way that it misleads readers into believing that it is real news that the publishers decided to publish for the information of their readers. In addition to sessions, the Spinal Decompression Therapy Program involves guiding the patient through many other ways to facilitate pain loss, helping the patient cover the path to a pain-free life much faster. We can also combine other treatments, such as cold laser therapy or electrical stimulation, with its decompression.

Surgical decompression is the last resort to treat pain caused by certain conditions, such as bone overgrowth in the pine tree and severely broken discs. Spinal decompression gently helps protruding or herniated discs return to their correct locations for long-term relief. While this may sound promising, you may not yet be convinced that spinal decompression is right for you. I want to tell you everything you need to know about what spinal decompression means today and answer all your questions.

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