How long should you be on a decompression table?

If the patient is a good candidate, the physician can develop a recommended decompression protocol designed for that specific patient and diagnosis. During this session, the patient is tied to the table with a pelvic harness. A typical spinal decompression treatment protocol consists of about 12 to 20 sessions over four to six weeks. Some conditions require fewer visits; others require more.

Many patients report relieving pain and other symptoms during the first treatment sessions, and most experience drastic pain relief after completing the prescribed treatment program. A regular spinal decompression treatment plan is generally divided into 12 to 20 treatment sessions over 4 to 6 weeks. Patients reported experiencing relief in the first few sessions, but some require more time depending on the severity of the condition. Patients will experience significant relief for more serious conditions at the end of their chiropractic treatment program, which usually lasts 6 weeks.

Spinal decompression is an innovative treatment based on the principle of chiropractic care that involves gentle stretching of the spine to instantly or gradually relieve long-term disc-related pain and discomfort. Although spinal decompression is generally considered gentle and relaxing, patients with extensive disc trauma may experience mild discomfort during the first treatment sessions. Spinal decompression has been clinically proven to reduce intradiscal pressure by -150 to -200 mmHg. Spinal decompression therapy is a very safe, FDA-approved therapy that can greatly improve your quality of life by reducing pain and increasing mobility.

At the beginning of each session, you will be comfortably fitted with a harness designed to achieve optimal lower back or neck decompression. The computer uses accurate calculations to create just the right amount of tension and achieve optimal results during spinal decompression therapy. Based on your individual needs, such as body weight, tolerance, severity level and duration of symptoms, the spinal decompression specialist will determine a specific treatment plan to ensure the best and most lasting results. The most common side effect is dull, aching pain for the first week or two as the body becomes accustomed to stretching and decompressing.

Always consult your spinal decompression specialist to see if you qualify for spinal decompression therapy. If a patient has undergone surgical fusion with rods or screws or any type of hardware, patients may not qualify for spinal decompression. Spinal decompression prevents this response by slowly pulling on the spine and relaxing the back for an extended period of time, allowing the discs to be repositioned without tension and without causing spasm or muscle protection. It is important for patients to ensure that they are treated on a high-quality spinal decompression table by a physician with years of experience and not on a imitation spinal decompression table to ensure the best results.