What is decompression therapy used for?

Decompression therapy is a non-surgical treatment that helps relieve back pain caused by pressure on the spine. During non-surgical spinal compression, the healthcare provider may use traction to slowly stretch and relax your back. This stretch can help the spine reposition, which can reduce pain. Non-surgical spinal decompression is a type of motorized traction that can help relieve back pain.

Spinal decompression works by gently stretching the spine. This changes the strength and position of the spine. This change removes pressure from the spinal discs, which are gel-like pads between the bones of the spine, by creating negative pressure on the disc. As a result, protruding or herniated discs can retract, reducing pressure from nerves and other structures in the spine.

This, in turn, helps promote the movement of water, oxygen, and nutrient-rich fluids into the discs so that they can heal.

Decompression therapy

works by gently stretching the spine, giving herniated discs the opportunity to fall back into intended grooves. If your body retains these changes instead of rejecting them, you may not need surgery. Decompression therapy stretches the spine and temporarily expands the area around it so that the discs can return to their correct places.

Spinal decompression devices use the same basic principle of spinal traction that has been offered by well-trained chiropractors, osteopaths and other health professionals for many years. Non-surgical spinal decompression is a particular technique for moving the spine in order to eliminate its pain. When you compare the cost of several sessions of spinal decompression therapy to the cost of back surgery, you might find that it's significantly cheaper. Spinal decompression therapy may help some patients prevent or postpone spinal surgery, including spinal fusions or discectomy surgeries.

With proper functioning of the spine, spinal decompression will effectively target areas to relieve pressure between discs vertebral. A hospital in Italy called Santa Corona published a study in which they reviewed non-surgical decompression traction. Spinal decompression also promotes increased blood flow to the spinal discs, stimulating the flow of nutrient-rich and oxygen-rich fluids inside, where they promote cell renewal, tissue repair, and long-term healing. In simple terms, it would be safe to say that spinal decompression therapy is a safe and effective alternative to surgical decompression for relieving back pain.

Both traction and decompression therapy are applied with the goal of relieving pain and promoting an optimal healing environment for bulging, degenerating, or herniated discs. Research shows that continuous improvement is seen up to 4 years after the spinal decompression therapy program. In addition to sessions, the Spinal Decompression Therapy Program involves guiding the patient through many other ways to facilitate pain loss, helping the patient cover the path to a pain-free life much faster. Spinal decompression devices use the same basic principle of spinal traction that has been practiced by chiropractors and osteopaths for several years.