Is decompressing your spine painful?

It is very rare for a patient to experience pain during spinal decompression therapy. However, you will feel the stretching of your spine. One of the risks of spinal decompression therapy is that you may feel a little pain after the session. Even though you may feel a little sore or stiff, you shouldn't experience any pain.

If you have sharp, sharp, and sensitive areas, you should immediately contact your chiropractor. There may be additional therapeutic options that can help you relieve pain after spinal decompression. It's not common to feel pain after decompression of the spine, so be sure to watch your back after the session. Most patients don't experience any major side effects.

The most commonly reported side effect of this therapy is dull, aching pain during the first or second week as the body becomes accustomed to stretching and decompressing. In spinal decompression, muscles stretch in a direction of elongation that the body is not used to. Inversion therapy involves hanging upside down on a table to stretch your spine and relieve back pain. The main injuries treated through spinal decompression are those in which there is an increase in pressure on the spine that causes pain.

The four main conditions that have been shown to have excellent results with spinal decompression are;. An advanced treatment option, spinal decompression, has been shown to provide many benefits to patients suffering from low back pain. Non-surgical spinal decompression therapy is a motorized traction therapy that gently stretches the spine; resulting in a change in strength and position of the spine and, in turn, relieves spinal discs and nerves from the pressure that causes pain in the first place. If you have a pull-up or pull-up bar, this is a great exercise to help you take advantage of the benefits of spinal decompression.

Spinal decompression devices use the same basic principle of spinal traction that has been practiced by chiropractors and osteopaths for several years. The gentle forces of spinal decompression therapy cause the spine to de-stress, causing a decrease in pressure in the disc. Even when physical therapy, chiropractic, acupuncture, pain pills, and injections have failed, most patients continue to receive drastic pain relief within 4 to 6 weeks of spinal decompression. Pain after spinal decompression therapy is unusual, making it an effective treatment option for both acute and chronic back pain conditions.

In addition to the sessions, the Spinal Decompression Therapy Program involves guiding the patient through many other ways to facilitate pain loss, which helps the patient cover the path to a pain-free life much faster. While traction, physical therapy, inversion tables, and manipulation can reduce disc pressures up to 40 mm Hg, spinal decompression has only been shown to achieve negative pressures within the spine. The most common side effect is dull, aching pain for the first week or two as the body becomes accustomed to stretching and decompressing. It is imperative that you take your time while performing decompression exercises and that you exercise discretion when purchasing products.

A typical spinal decompression treatment protocol consists of about 12 to 20 sessions over four to six weeks. Normally, pulls exerted on the spine activate sensory receptors in the back to tighten the muscles surrounding the vertebrae and discs in an effort to protect them from injury, a mechanism in the body known as a proprioceptive response. After a failed laminectomy or microdiscectomy, patients can still respond favorably to spinal decompression. In the long term, as little as 3 to 6 months, prolonged posture and lack of flexibility cause the muscles around the spine to tighten and the spine itself to compress and harden between each segment.

Before spinal decompression therapy, you should expect your chiropractor to discuss all treatment options with you. .