Who does spinal decompression therapy?

Non-surgical spinal decompression is a type of motorized traction that can help relieve back pain. Spinal decompression works by gently stretching the spine. That changes the strength and position of the spine. This change removes pressure from the spinal discs, which are gel-like pads between the bones of the spine, by creating negative pressure on the disc.

As a result, protruding or herniated discs can retract, reducing pressure from nerves and other structures in the spine. This, in turn, helps promote the movement of water, oxygen, and nutrient-rich fluids to the discs so that they can heal. Essentially, this type of treatment is designed to reduce compressive forces on the discs and facet joints. Spinal decompression helps reduce lower back, neck, leg and arm pain and can also treat symptoms of herniated or bulging discs.

In many cases, decompression therapy is combined with other physical therapy exercises for maximum effectiveness. Chiropractic spinal decompression is a type of spinal traction therapy that can help relieve pain in the back, neck, and legs. When working with a chiropractor, they will perform non-surgical spinal decompression. This works by stretching the spine and manipulating its position to remove pressure from nerves and spinal discs.

The purpose of this process is to create negative pressure on the discs, which will help retract herniated or bulging discs. This allows oxygen, water, and other nutrient-rich healing substances to enter the disc. Decompression therapy is a non-surgical treatment that helps relieve back pain caused by pressure on the spine. During non-surgical spinal compression, the healthcare provider may use traction to slowly stretch and relax your back.

This stretch can help the spine reposition, which can reduce pain. Reducing internal disc pressure can also encourage the spinal area to absorb oxygen and nutrients essential to promote healing. Only limited evidence is available to justify the routine use of non-surgical spinal decompression, especially when many other, less expensive and well-researched alternatives are available. To find out how effective it really is, researchers should compare spinal decompression with other alternatives to surgery.

With each passing day, spinal decompression therapy is gaining popularity around the world at a dizzying pace. Non-surgical spinal decompression therapy can be very effective in removing pressure from nerves and discs in the spine and offering long-term pain relief. A hospital in Italy called Santa Corona published a study in which they reviewed non-surgical decompression traction. The most commonly reported side effect of this therapy is dull, aching pain during the first or second week as the body becomes accustomed to stretching and decompressing.

If other measures don't work, your doctor may suggest surgical decompression of the spine for bulging or ruptured discs, bone growths, or other spinal problems. The spine provides a nerve pathway that runs through the middle of these bones, ligaments, and discs. Only one small randomized controlled trial and several lower level efficacy studies were conducted on spinal decompression therapy. While there are many possible treatments, spinal decompression therapy is an option that can effectively reduce chronic lower back pain and associated neck, arm, and leg discomfort.

Doctors can use two procedures to perform surgical spinal decompression, also called spinal decompression. Search terms included decompression therapy, traction, treatment outcome, outcome evaluation, and evaluation studies. Upon arriving at the chiropractic office for a spinal decompression session, the chiropractor places a harness around the pelvis and trunk. Spinal decompression devices use the same basic principle of spinal traction that has been practiced by chiropractors and osteopaths for several years.
