How long does spinal decompression therapy take to work?

About 20% of patients will begin to see pain relief in the first week. About 40% of patients will experience significant relief within 2 to 3 weeks. The remaining 20% will receive significant relief between 4 and 6 weeks. Less than 20% will experience no relief or minimal relief.

The gentle distraction forces of spinal decompression create a decompression of the spine with the discharge due to distraction and proper placement, to improve blood flow and nutrient exchange to the injured area. Although spinal decompression is generally considered gentle and relaxing, patients with extensive disc trauma may experience mild discomfort during the first treatment sessions.

Decompression therapy

stretches the spine, temporarily expanding the area around it so that the discs can return to their correct places. It will take you about 4 to 6 weeks to fully recover and achieve the expected level of mobility and function from spinal decompression surgery.

The patient should not feel pain during or after decompression therapy, although they should feel a stretch in the spine. Although insurance companies can pay for traditional traction, decompression therapy is usually not allowed, although they are almost the same. The therapy works by slowly, steadily, and gently stretching the spine to relieve abnormal pressure on the discs between the vertebrae. Disc or spinal decompression is a non-surgical treatment that involves the use of a traction table to remove pressure from nerve roots in the back, neck, or leg.

Spinal decompression is performed on a specialized traction table with the help of advanced computer technology. Spinal decompression therapy, an innovative treatment that involves meticulous mechanical stretching of the spine, is a gentle, non-surgical way to instantly relieve disc-related pressure, stimulate blood flow through the spine, and promote long-term healing. Decompression therapy works by gently stretching the spine, giving herniated discs the opportunity to return to their intended grooves. This change removes pressure from the spinal discs, which are gel-like pads between the bones of the spine, by creating negative pressure on the disc.

Spinal decompression therapy may help some patients prevent or postpone spinal surgery, including spinal fusions or discectomy surgeries. In non-surgical spinal decompression therapy, the spine is intermittently stretched and relaxed in a controlled manner. While you can request decompression therapy at any time your doctor deems appropriate, this non-surgical procedure is often the last effort of patients who have not achieved the results they want from other treatments.